Alley-White Post 52    
Mountain Home, Arkansas 

2023 Stanley f. Novak Memorial Scholarship awarded

Pictured right is Mountain Home High School 2023 senior Audrey Young with American Legion Post 52 Scholarship Chairman Frank Kaye.
  • American Legion Oratorical Contest 

    The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students. Since 1938, the program has presented participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship. High school students in 9th through 12th grades are eligible. Competition begins at the post level and advances to a state competition. Legion department representatives certify one winner per state to the national contest, where department winners compete against each other in two speaking rounds. The contest caps off with a final round that decides the three top finishers .Speaking subjects must be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with some emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government. Speeches are eight to ten minutes long; three to five minute speeches on an assigned topic also are part of the contest.
    Contact Frank Kaye at (870) 404-5462 before October 15, 2022 to enter the competition.
  • Boys State

    American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high-school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935 to counter the socialism-inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield. At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs. Legion posts select high-school juniors to attend the program. In most cases, individual expenses are paid by a sponsoring post, a local business or another community-based organization. Boys State programs currently exist in all Legion departments except Hawaii. As separate corporations, Boys State programs vary in content and method of procedure, but each adheres to the same basic concept: teaching government from the township to the state level. The American Legion has certain qualifications for prospective Boys State citizens. 

    The following are the recommended guidelines employed by most Boys State programs:
    • Only males who have successfully completed their junior year of high school and who have at least one more semester remaining are considered.
    • Previous participants of a Boys State competition are not allowed to attend a second session.
    • Only those who illustrate leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty and service in their schools and community should be considered.
    • Merit and ability are the basis for evaluation during the actual citizens selection process.
    • Boys State competitions are in compliance with federal handicap laws. Most programs require a medical/parental consent certificate signed by a parent and registered doctor.
    • Schools recommend lists of eligible candidates to local Legion posts. The post would then conduct interviews and select their representative(s) for the program.

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Local Scholarships offered by The Alley-White Post 52 & Unit 52

  • Stanley Novak Memorial Scholarship
  • General Continuing Education Scholarship (Unit 52)

Scholarships offered by The American Legion, Department of Arkansas

  • Coudret Trust and Garner Trust Scholarships

Scholarships offered by The American Legion, National Headquarters

  • The American Legion Legacy Scholarship (
  • The American Legion Baseball Scholarship (
  • Samsung American Legion Scholarship (
  • National Oratorical High School Scholarship (
  • Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship (
  • The 8 & 40 Lung & Respiratory Disease Nursing Scholarship ( 

Scholarships offered by The American Legion Auxiliary, National Headquarters

  • Children of Warriors Scholarship (

For information contact:  Frank Kaye at (870) 404-5462